本帖最后由 mamun0404 于 2024-5-16 04:33 编辑
The revolution brings with it distrust and resistance to change. In the case of higher education, there are several paradigms of artificial intelligence that lack support, but that have a lot of weight in the collective consciousness, and are taken as true. That is why, to understand the future of artificial intelligence in the learning process of higher education, it is worth knowing some of these paradigms and demystifying them.
You may be interested in:T Chat: Its ethical use in higher education Goodbye to paradigms of artificial intelligence in higher education paradigms-of-artificial-intelligence-in-higher-education Let's explore some of these social paradigms that still generate distrust between institutions and the educational population Grenada Email List around Artificial Intelligence, with the aim of demystifying them and generating greater certainty around the ethical and responsible use of this incredible technology.
AI will replace the teacher as facilitator and coordinator of the learning process This paradigm responds to well-founded speculation: according to research by Goldman Sachs, AI will affect nearly million jobs worldwide. However, we must put this statement in context. As Sachs states, about % of global jobs could be automated, especially those related to administration and production, but his report does not point out any cases related to teaching or education in general.