Since the human mind is always very busy watching thousands of content, our attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2016. By 2023, it will become even shorter. How to attract an audience with videos? The answer is simple: make videos short and to the point. In 2022, many marketers made more use of short-form videos. 2023 will see an increase in the number of marketers using short-form videos, as people turn more to short videos. Short videos are easy to understand and get to the point. You don't have to watch the content for 2 minutes to understand the main message. The first 3 seconds are enough to grab your attention.
Video content is very important in content marketing because it has a higher Namibia Phone Number List conversion rate than text or image content. videos or informational clips about the shirt. These could be videos on how to deal with your website, product or services. Create behind-the-scenes videos for your brand. Behind the Scenes (BTS) is a great way to create interest and grab your audience's attention. They want to know how your brand works or how your products are created.
The best part is that you don't have to be a big brand to make BTS videos. Create User Generated Content (UGC) Note : Video content should be relevant to your target audience. #2. Prioritize quality over quantity In content marketing, quality should be more important than quantity. The quality of the content is what will attract your audience even more. In 2023, people will become less tolerant of unreasonable content. You can't create content just to add to your content bank. How valuable is your content to your audience? This means that you need to research your work carefully before publishing any content. It should have valuable content that makes your audience want to keep reading, listening or watching. How to create more quality content than quantity .