We recommend looking at the overall picture of digital marketing from the following three perspectives.Let's take a closer look at each one.Three ways to understand the overall picture of digital marketing (concept diagram of digital marketing. Social networks and media communication. SEO, SEM, promotion)1. Think from the marketing flowFirst, we recommend understanding the overall picture from the marketing flow.Marketing can be broadly divided into three streams.
Flow of digital marketing: Awareness/attracting Special Data customers (advertisements, SEO, SNS, e-mail newsletters, exhibitions, seminars, webinars) → Acquisition (exchanging business cards, inquiries, downloading materials) → Maximizing sales (strengthening CV leads/improving forms) (improvement, strengthening of approach, introduction of MA, request for consulting)The measures that need to be implemented are different at each stage: "Awareness/Attracting Customers," "Acquisition," and "Maximizing Sales."For example, if you are not attracting customers well in the first place, you will need to strengthen measures that will lead to attracting customers, such as web advertising and events.
On the other hand, if you are able to attract a certain amount of customers, it is recommended that you use lead nurturing measures to communicate with users to get them interested in your products and services.Additionally, if there are many users who are already members or have purchased, you can consider measures to increase LTV by having them purchase again or use the service for a long time without canceling.In this way, we recommend organizing the overall picture of digital marketing from the overall flow of marketing, and combining measures according to the issues of the service.