34xx Emerald, 二楼4室1厅1卫, 拎包入住, 光亮, 硬木地板中心暖气, 冰箱炉头, 洗衣机烘干机洗碗机, 抽油烟机,吊扇. 带家具, 单房$300/月,包水, 分担电/煤气/网费, 不欢迎宠物. 照片请看 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ePSRcr2Y6LdkhrLU2
34xx s Emerald, 2nd floor 4 bed 1 bath apt, furnished, $300/month per bedroom , share gas/electricity/internet; Both apts are bright, with hardwood floor, c. heating, fridge/stove, washer/dryer, cooking/ceiling fans. water and garbage fee included. no pet.
Interested please 注明租房加微信 diboch68, email diboch@yahoo.com, or call/text 312-809-1288