1. 不紧张。美国警察都是些普通人,切记美国人恐怕是全球独一无二的(总的来说)非常在乎别人是否认为自己很 nice 的一群人 (常听人提 “It's nice to be important. But it's more important to be nice.")。所以除非你看上去就像小痞子,人家不想和你闹僵,甚至还担心弄不好被投诉,其心理活动和大爷一样的中国警察完全不一样。
2. 显示尊重。目光对视,叫人家“Officer"或”Sir“,把车窗摇下,两手放在方向盘上(警察需要看见你的双手,人家怕你掏枪),该给的东西都有(驾照丶Registration)。
3. 认错(但要在警察提示之后,不要先主动说)。“Sorry maybe I was speeding a little. Is that why you stopped me?" "Did I miss a stop sign? I'm so sorry if that happened. I've always tried to be careful."
4. 寻求同情。嘴不要停的道歉丶解释和哀求,最好有眼泪,但别说谎。
“I'm so sorry, I always watch my speed, but the music from the radio distracted me just for a few seconds."
"Sir. My traffic record is very clean because I'm a careful driver. I promise to more carefully watch the speed/stop sign...etc"
"My daughter is performing at her school and I'm running late."
5. 实在不行,要求人家给开个警告“Warning”,但先不给罚单。