大家好。本人在kansas stateuniversity做访问,将于本月11日回国。因我从10月中旬就开始了美东的旅行,从kansas到florida——key west——new york一路旅行,最后将开车到芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场回国。之前的打算是车子开到芝加哥去随便找一家dealer卖掉。最近几天心血来潮,想在craglist上卖掉(不甘心被dealer宰),所以开始在craglist上发帖,谁知道可能是芝加哥卖车的dealer太多的缘故,我的帖子刚发上去一会就被flagged,然后就被自动removed。看看craglist上芝加哥地区卖车的好多都是dealer发的帖子,而我这种车是自己的丶title干净的竟然会被他们恶意删帖!!怒了!!所以到这里来发帖看看,能否找到有缘人将爱车领走。
车子是我2013年11月份购买的,买的时候是clean title,在我之前有过3个车主(前两个车主是父子关系),在第二个车主手上(是第一个车主的儿子)出国一次车祸,问题不大(大家可以网上查到事故信息),否则我也不会买这个车。然后在第3个车主手上开了一年多,因其想买真正的4驱车,所以就在craglist上挂出卖车信息,之后就被我买了。
在我使用的一年内,没有出现任何问题(除了上个月在orlando停车场的时候,车底盘部位的备胎不小心撞了一辆ford的后保险杠,把ford蹭出一个3cm大小的伤疤。我车子没任何损伤,而且我的保险已经全部cover对方的损失)。我已经重新换了刹车片,换了一个轮胎。平时开车主要往返学校和宿舍,周末开车去动物园及park之类的。之外就是从今年10月份开始,开车从kansas到florida——key west——new york大约行程总计3500miles,高速表现蛮让我满意。车子较大,适合全家使用,特别家里有两个小朋友的,全家出行非常方便和舒适。
Clean title,开到芝加哥大约140,000mile。出价比dealer高就卖,但希望到时候把我送到所住的宾馆。
Will finish my visiting on Nov. Need goback to my country. Want to sell my car before my leaving.
The car information as follows:
1, Year 2004, Nissan, XTERRA XE/SE, color:slightly brown. Air condition: warm and cool; radio, compass system. Automatictransmission.
GOOD condition!! This large SUV is perfectfor a family use. 113,500 Miles.
2, Clean TITLE!!!!GOOD for family use!!!!
I bought this car on Nov.2013, and drivethis car between my apartment and work place, sometimes drive to localattractions such as zoo, park or local lake. I also drove this car to manyplaces for my family's holidays, such as florida, Key west, washington DC, newyork. The car is perfect, no any conditions happens since I bought it from lastyear, except scratched a small scar to other people's car in the parking areaduring my trip in orlando on October, 2014 (I backward my car and slightly hitthe other car's bumper, made a 3cm wide scar in his bumper. However, my car hasno any scratches, and my insurance was fully covered for other car's scratch).
3, This car has two scratches on the trunklid since I bought it, not obvious. Otherwise, the car is perfect!! Doesn'tmake me disappoint during my stays in USA.
4, Ask for $ 2600, or offer your bestprice. As long as your price is better than the dealer's, you could be the nextowner.
5, Cash only. Please let me know if youhave any questions about this car.
? do NOT contact me with unsolicited servicesor offers