I Can Pass Driving School是州里批准的一家正规注册华人驾校,驾校教练都经过严格培训丶考试,获得州里教练执照后上岗的,培训车辆都配有副刹系统,高额商业保险,保证学生安全高效,短时间拿到驾照,而且保证学生能够熟练自如地开车。
Hire Driver Training Instructors, pay scale $15-35/hour.
If you are qualified for the following, you can apply for the instructor position at our school (please email your resume to : mailto:icanpassdrivingschool@gmail.com):
1.held a valid driver’s license for any 2 year period preceding the date of application for an instructor’s license;
2.has not been convicted of 3 or more offenses against traffic regulations governing the movement of traffic within the 2 year period immediately preceding the date of application for an instructor’s license;
3. no criminal record.
Emmy Qi, PhD., Manager
I Can Pass Driving School
Suite 3, 10 Henson Place,
Champaign, IL61820
Email: icanpassdrivingschool@gmail.com
Website: Icanpassdrivingschool.com
电话/tel, 微信 Wechat:1 217 904 5127,微信/Wechat ID: ICanPassSchool
qq: 3246957538