弗兰克律师楼-五十年法律经验:移民 刑事 民事律师 精办各类 移民案件 上庭 保释安
服务华人社群, 中,英文旧金山湾区律师楼:1977年起案件赢得或结案胜诉与和解
T: 408-568-8848(中文), 86-13668193295,
Wechat: ssz0005, T: 650-964-8901(英)
移 民 ? 政治庇护,亲属移民,家庭签证,递解出境,入籍.专门办理政治庇护99%成功率,
家 庭 法 ? 离婚,分居,禁令,婚前/婚后协议,亲子认定,
民事诉讼 ? 车祸,摔倒,咬伤,产品责任,医疗事故,建筑缺陷
刑 事 ?家庭暴力,酒后驾车,盗窃,欺诈,卖淫,毒品犯罪,白领犯罪,消除记录
劳 工 法 ? 工伤,工资纠纷,无理解雇,商业秘密
商 业 法 ? 公司,合伙,合同,讨债,商业诉讼
房 地 产 ? 房东房客纠纷,邻里纠纷,商业/住宅买卖/租赁合同
遗产继承 ? 遗嘱,信托,遗产,资产管理/医疗授权书,监护,遗嘱认证,遗产纠纷
破 产 ? 个人/公司破产清算/重组。
The Law Office of Frank E. Mayo
4962 EL
Camino Rio Ste. 104, Los Altos CA 94306,(SF-MTN View-Los Altos)
T: 408-568-8848,650-964-8901 E: fmayo@fmayolawoffice.com, Wechat:ssz0005
We provide services below:
Immigration ? Relatives immigration, family visa, solution,
naturalization, deportation court defend
Family Law ? Divorce, separation, ban, prenuptial/post-wedding, fees, parental
Business Law ? Companies, Partnerships, Contracts, Debt
Collection, Commercial Litigation
Housing Properties ? Landlord Tenant Disputes, Neighborhood Disputes,
Commercial/Residential Labor Law ? Work Injury, Wage Disputes, Unexplained Employment, Trade Secrets
Inheritance ? Wills, Trusts, Heritage Rules, Asset Management/Medical Power of
Attorney, Guardianship, Probate, Heritage Disputes
Civil Litigation ? Car accidents, falls, bites, product liability,
medical accidents, building defects.。
Five decades of legal experience, Serving
the Chinese community,
Litigation cases started in 1978, All cases
won or closed ? Law firms with the highest number of winning and reconciling results since 1977.